Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yeah! We're Bloggers!!

Tonight, I find myself sucked into the world of "blog."  What a fun way to journal our lives and keep in touch with friends at the same time!  I only have one disclaimer- I'm not a writer!!  You'll all have to bear with me as I try, clumsily, to organize my thoughts.  SO... Our lives have taken a dramatic turn over the last 2 months-  we're parents!! It has been a major adjustment going from working full time to being a stay at home mommy.  The first few weeks were rough, but Mace and I are adjusting and working into a nice routine.  Most days I feel like I'm in a dizzy haze from sleep deprivation, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute of his tiny life because I swear he's growing right before my eyes!  I have to admit I was worried that our lives would be over now that we have a kid but so far we have taken him golfing, fishing, out to dinner and much more.  It's easy to take him places right now because he sleeps through mostly everything-  I'm sure it won't be like that for long but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.  Pete is so cute with him- I love watching them together.  You never know what kind of parent your spouse will be, but I think I'm one of the lucky ones who can give their kids a truly committed dad who is interested and involved in their lives.  Just look at them together!! 

1 comment:

Parker or Jessica said...

YEAH!!! I will now look everyday for new pictures of little Mace. We want to go hang out tuesday night when I pick park up from the airport. Lets do dinner. Get a sitter. :)